Saturday, May 2, 2009

A long time passed...

It's been awhile since I've updated this because I could never keep prospective posts focused. Life in Egypt has slowed to a grinding halt. What was once exciting faded when I realized there isn't that much to do in Egypt. At least it seems that way. People mostly use their free time by going to coffee shops and gossiping about others (even though it is expressly forbidden in Islam). There are night clubs but they are full of sketchy types who will try to take your money at every turn if they think you are American. Worse is that Palestine feels a million miles away from here. There are posters from Gaza already torn and faded on all the buildings and trains but little else. The country that was once the capital of the non-aligned movement and the center for the PLO has been tamed and given up on such aspirations like that.

It's possible that there is more of Egypt to see but at this point I've had so much trouble with scamers and people who never show up that I doubt I'll see it any time soon. Well guess its time to hit Dave's ESL Cafe and see what jobs are around.

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